Does David Cameron, Andrew Lansley and Nick Clegg still think they know better than virtually every health care professional organisation in the country about what is best for the NHS?
Why is this Tory led government insisting on forcing through their ill thought out dangerous legislation against every medical professional in the country, despite promising us 1) "there will be no top down reorganisation of the NHS (David Cameron in opposition) and 2) that they would listen to what we have to say about issues that effect us and our lives? The NHS could not affect each and every one of us more, so why are this government refusing to listen to us?
Hands Off Our NHS
Mr Cameron, Mr Lansley and Mr Clegg.
We simply will not allow you to destroy and privatise our NHS, even the Royal College of GPs have asked you to withdraw the bill, and according to Lansley, GPs are central to the working of the entire bill, I fail to see how you can possibly carry on with this bill without them on board.
Gps have said that they are seriously concerned, other organisations have called it a "bloated and opaque piece of legislation, whose goals could have been achieved by other more effective means".
How much more opposition to this bill does this hideous, out of touch incompetent lying g Tory government need before they stop this dangerous act of utter destruction on our NHS?
Sign the petition.
Before it's too late and the government have snatched away the NHS from us.
"No political party would survive that tried to destroy the NHS". Aneurin Bevan
"No political party would survive that tried to destroy the NHS". Aneurin Bevan
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