Take a look below at what the Health secretary Andrew Lansley has been up to on the day the Health and Social care Reform bill passes through the Hpuse of Commons.I have highlighted and if you had any doubt about what the Tories, Liberal Democrats, Cameron, Clegg and Lansley have in store for *OUR* NHS, then this should alleviate them.
The NHS Care and Social reform bill moved one step closer to becoming enshrined in law today as MPs voted 65 in favour of it the Labour party voted AGAINST the bill as did ONLY 4 Liberal Democrats and further 10 of them abstained - wow! Once more the Lib Dems have kicked up a fuss only to meekly vote through the bill for the THIRD time, thus propping up this Tory government.
Today is a very very sad day for our NHS, 63 years of work is about to be undone by a government without a mandate pushing through a policy without a mandate. Now will people wake up and see what this dreadful LYING incompetent government are doing?
Well done for unearthing this - the kind of stuff Lansley tries to keep hidden from the public. I've retweeted it (see @Nicky2806).
The LibDems' collusion in this diabolical assault on the NHS won't be forgotten. They are going straight into the dustbin of political history.
Cameron lied, shamelessly, during PMQs yesterday - saying the 'reforms' had the support of RCGP, nurses and other health professionals. These bodies have since strenously denied this.
GP Online describe their reaction:
Meanwhile, the BBC blatantly ignored both Cameron's lies and any news about the bill altogether! I have written to them to complain about this - will let you know if they reply and if so what feeble excuse they come up with. This is the form to do so:
Re the BBC - that utter disgrace to his profession, Nick ('Tory Chairman of the Conservative Students') Robinson made a little joke when presenting the GQ Politician of the Year award to George Osborne (that's a big joke in itself). Robinson announced that:
"The politician of the year is a man whose aides I rang before presenting this award and said 'given the grim economic news, how does he sleep at night?" The answer came: "like a baby - he wakes up in the middle of the night, screaming."
At the same event, Osborne tried an attempt at humour by making a joke about masturbation.
The Torygraph doesn't mention it, but according to the Mirror he was booed off the stage.
GQ is edited by Tory stooge, Dylan Jones, who wrote a cringingly adoring book of interviews with Cameron. The book didn't sell very well - I last saw it in Poundland.
How frightening that we have these clowns running the country.
BTW, at that awards ceremony, Stephen Fry made Osborne look a total fool, and got a dig in at GQ. V funny (in a cringeworthy way).
It's conservative policy to get rid of the NHS and always has been and if it weren't for the continual fight of the public it would have folded years ago
I use to attend these types of meetings years ago at the bank and youv'e never heard heard so much bull being spoken in your life
It's hard to tell who's the more dimwit out of them all when i think back to the seminars i have attended god give strength
If you could even understand and follow just one word that would indeed be an achievement
It's conservative policy to get rid of the NHS and always has been and if it weren't for the continual fight of the public it would have folded years ago
I use to attend these types of meetings years ago at the bank and youv'e never heard heard so much bull being spoken in your life
It's hard to tell who's the more dimwit out of them all when i think back to the seminars i have attended god give strength
If you could even understand and follow just one word that would indeed be an achievement
Hi Nicky, thanks for the posts have you any links? gracie.samuels@hushmail.com If you have I would be really pleased to receive them.
I am still reeling at the shock of this bill going through aided by the Liberal Democrats and the TOTAL lack of coverage it got on the ITN news as well as the BBC and in the majority of the papers, what are they waiting for? Since when in this country does a major bill, which could spell the *end* of the NHS gets passed through the Commons without hardly a whisper because of one lily livered party? The party who made all the sounds (as usual) but then bent over and took it up the rear (as usual) - and I make absolutely no apologies for the use of the vernacular.
I am really angry, what do the the press and news stations in this country think they are doing? It reminds me of countries where they have dictators and the truth is totally suppressed and of Russia where no dissent is ever allowed, and none mentioned. I think editors and journalists in this country are all going around with their pathetic fingers in their ears humming la la la la la so they don't hear the truth. As for Nick Robinson, well how pathetic can a journalist get in pursuit of a job with Cameron? How low is he willing to stoop? He makes my gut churn.
Well Fourbanks and Nicky, what are we to do now? I am NOT going to give up and I am hoping (against hope) that Dame Shirley Williams will lead a rebellion in the Lords and chuck this ridiculous bill out. I know Cameron was lying I have been pointing this out for weeks now yet the press do nothing! As well as those mentioned the BMA are totally against these reforms and have asked the government to withdraw the entire bill which hardly warrants a couple of lines in the papers and which the press and news stations have ignored of course. The press know Cameron blatantly lied in the Commons last Wednesday and he DELIBERATELY misled the British public when he said that all these organisations were in favour of the bill but what have they done about it? NOTHING. The Speaker Bercow must also KNOW that Cameron lied and deliberately mysled the public, what does he do? NOTHING.
This is a good place to start, why does Cameron feel the need to lie about the reforms bill if he thinks it is so wonderful?
We have to kick up a fuss, somehow we have to get the message through to the British people about what is happening and I know I am not going to stop until this happens. So anything you see that you think I can use (this goes for anyone else reading this too) please send to gracie.samuels@hushmail.com (It goes without saying that I will NEVER reveal a source
I think Gracie we need to keep a very close eye on the government at all times as with all of their current policies they are not al all what they seam and very underhand
David Cameron said that he is willing to to do his best for the country
I'm not sure the country is ready for all what he has to give ?
Belated thanks Gracie for the email details for when there's anything you need to know in confidence.
As the next stage of the bill is the Lords, Unison are hoping to get as many people as possible to write to a member of the House of Lords to persuade them to halt this bill. I plan to write to Baroness James, better known as PD James the novelist. She is a Tory but she is one of the older and wiser types and used to work for the NHS herself. She is quite an influential voice in the HoL.
Hope you have a good weekend despite all these horrors going on.
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